The only way is Essex for Irvin Leisure.

Now we are not people to give anything away in advance (as if, would we do that? Not half as you will know dear reader) but on Sunday 24th April watchers of the very popular and entertaining programme “The Only Way is Essex” saw a party and also some fairground rides provided by us here at Irvin Leisure.
Now we had promised not to give anything away in advance but given that the several readers of The Sun on 20th April read about the Fairground Party theme of the episode we did give some hints last week, but now can show you images actually taken at the filming. Those readers who read that popular paper The Sun got completely the wrong end of the stick as that fearless friend of investigative journalism (our lawyers wrote that bit) featured a photo of what they thought the fairground would look like and, unusually for that paper, got it totally wrong! What, The Sun getting a story wrong? Shock, horror, never, not since, well this morning really on most things. Never mind. (We always like The Sun when they print their Page 3 Politics slot with Nicky from Norwich giving her views alongside Trevor Kavanagh, three of them on one page, amazing!)
So now we show some images that we absolutely assure you ARE from the party and you saw the real thing on Sunday, and worth the wait. If you want our attractions at your birthday, engagement or other party, with or without TV cameras to show it, contact us right away.