Supporting our NHS

Irvin Leisure’s staff are always looking for ways to help during this Pandemic and one member taking the initiative is our Graphic Designer Shane Clark who has signed up to the NHS Volunteer Responders scheme to help in the fight against the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.
Over 750,000 people have already joined up to the initiative, an attempt to help shield 1.5 million people in the UK particularly at risk from the novel coronavirus, by picking up and dropping off medicines and patients from pharmacies and hospitals and making phone calls to check on those isolated in their homes.
“I’ve got quite a lot of free time at the moment and apart from trying my best to stay fit there isn’t masses to do,” said Shane. “I think it’s really important that we try and help as much as we can. I’ve signed up to the government’s NHS Volunteer Scheme to do my bit.”
“I’ve made myself available to talk to people who are home alone, lonely and self-isolating and I’ve also offered to get medicine or shopping. I also have some friends who work in the NHS and we saw on Thursday with the clap at 8pm how much they mean to everyone, we should all support as much as possible, especially at this time.”
“We all need to stay home, protect the NHS and help save lives but this scheme, if you’re in a position to help, is another way to help those on the frontlines, I’m very proud to be an NHS volunteer responder…there is lots of spare capacity in the system, please use us, don’t struggle on.”
If you or someone you know need help getting food or medical supplies, or even a chat call 0808 196 3646 or visit to make a referral today.