Great times and great causes to support

All through the year we at Irvin Leisure try to support good causes, other than the great cause of giving everyone at our events a wonderful time, and last week we enjoyed a double treat.
First of all, the Mayor of Hammersmith and Fulham Councillor Mercy Umeh visited our fair at Shepherds Bush on our special night which we use to raise funds for her chosen charities, and we do appreciate her taking time out of her busy schedule to come along. After all, she is not just Mayor of one place, but a double barreled borough to boot! Lovely lady and we are pleased she had such a good time.
Then we were able to support our friends from Starlight at their annual function in Belmont, north London, by taking some rides and inflatables. They are a great charity, supporting families of children who are seriously ill, and their staff team are so enthusiastic it even rubs off on old cynics such as your author here! They were kind enough to thank us but we all should thank them for their tremendous efforts. Here is to the next one, at Popham Airport soon.
So there you are, we are proud to be helping worthy charities and to meet such lovely people! Plus the weather is alright too!