Charity Begins in Brent

I wonder how many people reading this post (if any such people really exist) are aware of how hard their local Mayors work each year on behalf of their borough. A really tough job, and a very important one at that because whilst they may not always wield the top political power in the Council Chamber, they are certainly the face and voice of their locality. And sometimes in a close and hung council they actually have the casting vote too, but that is another story.
Still, it is on their hard work that we focus here and in 2013/4 the newly elected Mayor of Brent, Councillor Michael Adeyeye, will be working very hard to raise funds for three crucial charities and we at Irvin Leisure will be doing our best to help him. The three charities are:
Rays of Sunshine, a charity who grant wishes for seriously ill children aged between 3 and 18 and who we know well as we are providing a Helter Skelter for them at a fund raising event very soon. A great cause.
The Sickle Cell Society whose work in tackling this now recognised disorder that can damage the lives of young people if not identified who will need high quality care.
Finally, the Brent Association of Disabled People and this group provides much needed support to disabled people in the borough as well as welfare support and advocacy services.
So when you visit our fairs in Brent you will be helping the Mayor raise funds, and when you see him driving past with the borough crest on his car, well give him a wave as he is working very hard indeed for local people, and raise a cheer for all Mayors in all areas to thank them for everything they do.