Author: irvin

| by irvin

Sometimes we are fortunate enough to take part in some wonderful festivals, and one such was in the concourse of the new Kings Cross Station in the very heart of London. We can only praise the imagination and courage of the team from Network Rail who put this together and thank all those technical staff […]

Posted in: News
| by irvin

We had a great response to our Fright Night Halloween Costume Competition with so many people coming along in costume – and no wonder as we were offering £500 for the best costume! Fairgoers were asked to take a picture of themselves in all their made up glory (or should we say gory!) and send […]

Posted in: News
| by irvin

George Irvin’s Funfair recently presented a cheque for £2,000 to us at Hampton Court Palace. The funds were raised, in part, from the sale of wristbands on ‘Charity Tuesday’ at this year’s Hampton Court Fair. Unfortunately, bad weather over the Easter weekend meant that the footfall at the Fair was lower than usual and fewer […]

Posted in: Charity
| by irvin

Irvin leisure are proud to be joining IMG at the Natural History Museum again this year with one of our Traditional Carousels as part of the truly magical Christmas that the IMG creates for the Museum each year. From the rows of trees lit with sparkly fairy lights at the spectacular Swarovski ice skating rink, […]

Posted in: News
| by irvin

As most local people are aware, we have been attending Crystal Palace with our annual funfairs now since the 1940s so we have actually been involved in fairs here longer than the Crystal Palace was actually on site. As a mark of respect to the former Palace, a number of years ago we were asked […]

Posted in: History
| by irvin

  Irvin Leisure are thrilled to have introduced a superb new, but very old, children’s car ride the Austin Cars, and here we show some magnificent photos of this ride, sitting proudly in the winter snow, and then placed in front of the iconic Olympic Stadium in QE2 Park in Stratford.   This ride is […]

Posted in: History News
| by irvin

AUSTIN J 40 It was in 1943 that Parliament passed an act that recognised that many miners were been struck down with what the miners called “The Dust” (pneumoconiosis’s). The Government decided to encourage employers to give ex-miners employment. Leonard Lord had taken this to heart and decided that those (in this case South Wales […]

Posted in: History
| by irvin

To followers of the Irvin history, George’s cousin Henry Chipperfield recently sent us an image of his Helter Skelter at Edinburgh. We have probably had more Lighthouse Helter Skelters in our family than most others going back several generations. All this started from William Irvin who had four brothers, one went to Scotland which is […]

Posted in: History
| by irvin

As you will know, the First World War started 100 years ago and this is a time when we all look back and think of those brave soldiers who went to war to help create our future. Millions from many countries did not return and their sacrifice, and that of their families, is something we […]

Posted in: History